Sunday, February 24, 2013

The humanitarian emergency in Syria is a very interesting, unusual and heartbreaking one, ultimately. Caused by violent conflict within the country, outsiders are having difficulty getting in and are providing  humanitarian outside of the country, for refugees from the crisis. Here is an organization taking the lead in Syrian humanitarian relief. They are asking for volunteer - I am not sure what you could or where they would send you as a volunteer, but it would be worth taking a look.

But of course, to do this kind of work professionally you would need to be skilled and trained - ready to manage yourself and maybe others in a stressful situation. I learned enough, when I took my Red R course, Essentials of Humanitarian Aid to know that I would like to to do this kind of work eventually, probably with emergency education. It is going to take some time and I may wait till my kids are in college, but I know I would be of value on the ground in some of these situations and I am almost ready for the challenge.

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