Sunday, February 3, 2013

On a cold, snowy night in Pittsburgh, one could do a lot worse than running into Carrie Richards at the Park House on the North Side when the Beagle Brothers are playing. Ultra-helpful, and always cheerful, she works at the RMU Bayer Center and she has lots of great connections and ideas for publicizing The Global Development and Humanitarian Aid Program. Another sign that Pittsburgh non-profits cooperate and collaborate. If you want to get into this world, humanitarian and emergency aid training could be one way. First, it shows you are serious, made a commitment and followed through. Second, bringing this background to any non-profit will make you the go-to person for this field, and that is never a bad thing. Third, the publicity we are getting for this program may make our students in high demand - Feed The Hungry, in the UK, has asked us to let them know if we have any star students for possible work in Sudan, Somalia or the DRC. This is a great starting point for anyone entering this field.

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